Furniture & Upholstery

Your furniture and upholstery symbolizes a huge investment in your home or office, and proper upholstery cleaning and care is vital to keep it looking wonderful. At Boss Systems Carpet Cleaning, our careful process makes it possible to protect that investment:

1. Fabric TESTING In order to find out which type of cleaning solution and techniques will be most suitable to clean the upholstery without any discoloration, we will first conduct a test on your upholstery. In addition, we’ll let you know of any particular areas of concern.

2. PRE-VACUUM We first pre-vacuum the upholstery to remove any loose dirt and dirt. This helps to ensure that any loose particles are stripped away from cracks and crevices before treatment, so they don’t get stuck there through the cleaning process.

3. PRE-TREAT To make it easier to remove afterwards, we will apply a special solution to emulsify and further loosen any dirt, according to the outcome of testing.

4. PRE-GROOM Then, we’ll brush the fabric with soft upholstery brushes to further loosen the dirt, and ensure a more extensive cleaning.

5. EXTRACTION AND RINSE We then start using a gentle rinse to extract both the cleaning solution and also the soil from your upholstery, leaving your upholstery nearly as nice and clean as the day you bought it.


Before After

Actual pictures from services we provided

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